Pre-Submission Consultation Stage of the Neighbourhood Plan
This formal consultation must follow the government guidelines required by regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 relating to this stage of the plan.
These regulations require the Parish Council to formally publicise and consult on the Plan for a period of not less than six weeks. This period begins at 6pm on Monday 15th January 2018 and ends at 6pm on Tuesday 27th February 2018.
There have been a number of consultation events over the last 4 years and these have helped to formulate the plan. This is the communities opportunity to review the Plan at this important stage and at the same time the plan goes out to a wide range of statutory bodies and other appropriate consultees.
All representations/comments will be used to inform the development of future drafts of the proposed neighbourhood plan. In addition, they will be incorporated into a Statement of Consultation which will be forwarded to an independent examiner along with a draft of the plan at a later stage.
To review the draft Neighbourhood Plan and submit your comments please click the link below.
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