Wittfest music festival early-bird tickets tomorrow 18 May

Witton Gilbert’s own music festival is coming up on Saturday 13 July, the annual Wittfest. It is held at the lovely Traveller’s Rest pub.

Entry is by wristband and the early-bird price £10 wristbands are on sale tomorrow, 18 May from 2pm-5pm, only at the Traveller’s Rest. After tomorrow they are £15 each. Traveller’s Rest is also having a bottomless brunch tomorrow.

Here is the line-up for the Witfest, with bands all afternoon and evening from 12:30pm – 10pm:

Children under 16 are free, although the festival is quite crowded.

For more information contact Jon Reynolds, John Rooney or John Nixon via the very active Witton Gilbert page on Facebook.

Great website for Witton Gilbert Parish Council – AGM coming up on 13 May

Congratulations to Witton Gilbert Parish Council and the team for the beautiful website they created. You can find it here https://wittongilbertparishcouncil.uk/.

Go to the website for news of their activities, decisions and work for the community. You can find details of the council meeting agendas and minutes. With the latest minutes being for the March meeting.

Next Monday 13 May is the Annual General Meeting and will be at Witton Gilbert Community Centre. There are actually two meetings: The Annual Meeting of the Parish will be held at 6.30 p.m. which is fairly procedural. Then at 6.35 pm comes the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council.

Residents of the village are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council. They may speak on any agenda item at the discretion of the chairman but they may not vote.

If you want a copy of the agenda for the AGM, have a look here.