Category Archives: St Michael & All Angels

Woodland Wonders

Little Wonders Activities

Breathing space logo large


Children’s forest activities
★ Explore the woodland and churchyard
★ Play active outdoor games
★ Discover local wildlife
★ Learn simple green woodwork skills
★ Make crafts from natural materials
★ Listen to stories around the campfire

Tuesday 29th August 10-12.0
Donations welcome
These activities are strictly for
2-5 years
Children must be accompanied by a parent/carer

The activities are led by a Level 3
Forest school qualified

For further information or to book contact Gillie on 07508471522
Or 0191 3711387
Meeting place:
St Michael and All Angels
Church, Coach Lane,
Witton Gilbert, DH7 6SX
Booking essential
Come weather prepared
No dogs please

Woodland Wonders

Breathing space logo

Witton Dene Holiday Club

Monday 14th –Friday 18th August          10 am -3 pm

Donations welcome

These activities are aimed at 6-10 years Children under 8 must be accompanied by a parent/carer

Children’s forest activities
★ Explore the woodland and churchyard
★ Play active outdoor games
★ Discover local wildlife and creepy crawlies
★ Learn simple green woodwork skills
★ Make crafts from natural materials
★ Listen to stories around the campfire
The activities are led by a Level 3 Forest school qualified facilitator


For further information or to book contact Gillie on 07508471522
Or 0191 3711387
Meeting place:
St Michael and All Angels
Church, Coach Lane,
Witton Gilbert,                                                                             DH7 6SX
Booking essential
Come weather prepared
No dogs please


Download leaflet here


Creative Writing Course

Starting 27th April 2017, Thursdays 10- 12 noon

Fun, friendly and informal sessions led by Steve Urwin for anyone who ever wanted to write creatively, but didn’t know where to start.
Venue: St Michael & All Angels Church, Coach Lane, Wit-ton Gilbert, Durham. DH7 6SX

Booking Essential

First 10 weeks are free subject to registration

To book a place contact:
Gillie on 07508471522 or 0191 3711387

leisure works logo
Colour you Life provides access to activities for the improvement
of mental health and the development of emotional resilience.


Down load leaflet


Candlelit vigil for Jo Cox MP

Tonight a candlelit vigil will be held in church from 7pm in response to the tragedy yesterday of the death of Jo Cox MP.

The following hymn was written by Ally Barret who, in her grief, was up all night unable to sleep and used her anguish to compose this heartfelt hymn. The hymn will be played at Sunday’s 9.15am Eucharist. (It can be sung to ‘I heard the voice of Jesus say’)

O God of all salvation
In this our darkest hour
Look down at your creation
with pity and with power.
in all the pain we’re seeing,
for parent, partner, friend,
we’ll cling with all our being
To love that cannot end.

O God, your loving passion
Is deeper thanour pain,
Look down and in compassion,
Bring us to life again.
When we are found despairing,
when all seems lost to sin,
we’ll hear your voice declaring
that love alone will win.

O God, when hate grows stronger,
with fear to pave its way,
the cry ‘Lord, how much longer’
with broken hearts we pray.
In all that is dismaying
In humankind’s freewill,
we’ll join our voices praying
that love will triumph still.

O God whose love will never
Be silenced, stalled or stilled,
set us to work wherever
there’s bridges to re-build.
we’ll take our lives vocation
to make, like heav’n above,
in this and every nation
a kingdom on love

Breathing Space SHOWCASE WEEK

Showcase Week 13th-17th June

Come and join us for a week long taster of activities from Breathing Space Project at St Michael & All Angels Church

Monday 13th:               Tai Chi in the Churchyard!
Tuesday 14th:               BBQ @ The Men’s shed
Wednesday 15th:       Get Active Free Taster @                                                                   Methodist Chapel
Thursday 16th:             Woodland Wonders Taster
Friday 17th:                    Sensing the Seasons Walk &                                                           Folk singing

This is the 4th Year of the Breathing Space Project and the Trustees and team would like to invite you to see what we have been doing. Please visit the Church this week to find out !

During the summer months the church will be open between 9am and 4pm.

Men’s shed

The Men’s Shed has been going over 3 years and has a regular group of volunteers from Changing Lives homeless project and Free the Way . The Men’s Shed is being supported financially through Durham County Council Cree project fund and Awards for All lottery fund.
The project runs on a Tuesday 11.30am-1.30pm and 1.30-3.30pm
Gillie and Dave work alongside the group to support Friends of Witton Dene to manage the nature reserve by doing maintenance work to keep the pathways accessible.


Join us on Tuesday in the Churchyard 12.15– 2.15 for a BBQ and to see the work so far!

Tai Chi

Join us on Monday 12.15-1.15 in the Churchyard for an outdoor session of Tai Chi!


Get Active Again

Get Active Again is a Gentle exercise group aimed at those who want to start to increase their physical activity. It is suitable for older members of the community and for those who are recovering from illness or those who just want to enjoy physical activity in a safe and supportive atmosphere. Led by Sandra Mountjoy the sessions are enjoyable, fun and challenging. The sessions operate 2-3.15pm on Wednesdays at the Methodist Chapel( normally £2 per session).

Join us on Wednesday at the Methodist Chapel 2-3.15pm for a free taster session


Woodland Wonders

Family activity encourages shared experience and can support the development of positive relationships within the family unit. Within the Woodland wonders programme there are opportunities for families to work together to problem solve and to create.

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Join us on Thursday in the Churchyard 3.30-4.30 for a free taster session


Mindfulness is a really useful tool to support the development of positive health and wellbeing. The monthly Sensing the Seasons sessions use the mindfulness techniques to enable the participant to be aware of themselves in the present and to allow judgmental thoughts and negative emotions to flow through.

Join us on Friday 10-11am to experience the calm


Folk Singing

The Folk Singing and Songwriting course is a partnership between Breathing Space and Colour Your Life and has been a huge hit.
The activity is currently running on Fridays 1-3pm in the Church.
Benny Graham a local Folk Singer and Songwriter has given us a great insight into local folk music tradition and has led us in songs from The Lambton Worm to the Sandgate Lass.

Join us on Friday 1-3 for a free taster session or simply come along and enjoy the singing!








To download the full Leaflet click the link below

Breathing Space Showcase Leaflet

Contact information

Gillie Boggon, Project Officer.
Phone: 07508 471522/01913711387`


St Michael & All Angels Coach Lane
Witton Gilbert DH7 6SX