Vision for Witton GiIbert

Witton Gilbert 2033

Our vision for Witton in 2033 is of a vibrant and sustainable community which has retained all of the important assets identified in the Neighbourhood Plan.

We will have absorbed a small population increase by providing well designed and energy efficient homes on sites which make a positive contribution to the character and cohesiveness of the village. New homes to suite all stages and circumstances of residents lives, maintaining a balanced population which can help sustain the essential amenities we all currently enjoy.

The historic core of our village will have been revitalised with sensitive development and a subtle movement in the population density to help stimulate improvements in the streetscape, the preservation of the historically significant buildings and spaces and the general upgrading of the existing homes within the core.

In the rest of the village the existing home owners and landlords will have taken advantage of new technologies and incentives to improve energy performance and help reduce Witton’s overall energy consumption and improve the wellbeing and health of all residents.

We will have strengthened the institutions and community groups within the parish to promote a stronger sense of community, a willingness to help our fellow residents and to work towards a community which encourages and suits all members of the community regardless of age, sex, race or prosperity.

Witton will have a thriving small business community who are able to take advantage of high quality internet connections in both village and rural locations, providing an economic stimulus and increasing the supply of locally available jobs.

The local road network will be better suited to the needs of the 21st century, the local residents and our visitors, allowing us to safely enjoy the benefits of our rural location and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. The Village Centre will have shifted away from giving priority to motorists, towards giving priority to the residents, their safety and wellbeing. This will make walking and cycling a more attractive and healthier mode of transport within the Village.

Our important Green Spaces will have been preserved for all to enjoy free from the danger of development. The new Village Centre and village square will be complete and providing a focus and communication hub for the village.

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