Community Hall

The information on this page is out of date, we are updating – April 2024. For up-to-date information on news and events at Cooper Hall visit their Facebook page and webpage.

Witton Gilbert Community Association – Cooper Hall

Cooper Hall is owned and run by a community organisation on behalf of the people of Witton Gilbert. It is a lively venue which hosts a wide variety of  cultural, sporting and educational groups and courses.  Details of some of the groups using the hall are listed below.

Activities and Groups

WI logo
Witton Gilbert WI meets at the Community Centre on the second Monday of the month. Except for August when we have our Summer Outing. This year we visit Wynyard Hall Gardens. Meetings start at 7pm and a wide variety of speakers and social events have been organised for the year. Members also have the opportunity to attend workshops covering a wide variety of interests.
Visitors are welcome at any Meeting and can be assured of a warm welcome.


Open Monday – Friday 9.15-11.15. From age 2 years. A safe happy environment where your child can play, learn and develop skills whilst having fun. Staff hold level 3 childcare and education qualifications.  Cost is £20 per week inclusive of snacks and drinks. Please contact Joanne Embleton on 07825255532 for more information or to secure a place.

Tai Chi & Qigong

Tia Chi 1

Tai Chi & Qigong is a gentle martial art suitable for all ages and abilities . It is gentle exercise also known as shadow boxing; movements are slow, even, continuous and flowing, promoting relaxation within the learning of this gentle martial art exercise . The health benefits include relaxation to calm the mind, improves concentration and helps arthritic conditions , It is good for strengthening the body, circulation and  tones. It improves balance and coordination skills and promotes health and well being within .

Classes are every Monday 1-30 2-30 at Cooper Hall we are in the playgroup room . We have a group at present with 14 learners who enjoy learning different styles of Tai Chi . Cost is £4 per session. We welcome new learners . The group is well established we have been at Cooper Hall for over 6 yrs .

Witton Gilbert Walking Group

The group meets at Cooper Hall on Tuesday morning at 9.50 ready for a start time of 10.00. There is no fee involved and we return to Cooper Hall for refreshments after the walk, these are at a competitive price and the service is well thought of by all who use it.

There are a variety of routes comprising of road and country with distances from 1.9 miles to 4 miles. A number of routes have stiles to climb over and there are hills of varying degrees of difficulty.
New members are welcome but you will need sturdy boots and on occasions waterproofs will be required as they keep out the wind as well as rain. The routes are selected on the day depending on the ability of the people who turn up and the weather conditions.
A list is kept of the walkers and route for each week to make sure the routes vary as much as possible.
The wet weather does prevent some routes being used during the winter months.

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