Everyman’s Club

Founded in March 1946 by Ex-servicemen returning home after World War II, as an informal and educational speaking club for men. Having met for many years in St. John’s Church Sacriston we now hold our meetings every Tuesday at 7:00pm in St. John’s Court, Common Room.

We meet from the first Tuesday in September until the last Tuesday in April during which time we have a Christmas special in St. John’s church, a Christmas lunch (last year we ate at South Causey Inn) and a Spring outing. In the past we’ve boated down the Tyne, gone to Whitby, rode the Wear Valley Railway and visited Alnwick Gardens.

Last year speakers gave talks on “The Durham River Wear Assemblage (Treasure under Prepends Bridge)”, “30 Years of The Metro”; “Burma”; “The Vulcan Bomber”; “Teesdale and Weardale Mountain Rescue” and “The Newcastles of The World”; each week there is something different and something new.

Why not come along; speakers start at 7:30pm and end at 8:30. Tea and biscuits to start, with many members afterwards adjourning to a local hostelry.

For more information don’t hesitate to contact Neil Liddle (Chairman) on 07950440265. So Come along you won’t be disappointed. Next year’s programme will be published soon.

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