Witton Walks

Witton Gilbert Walking Group

The group meets at Cooper Hall on Tuesday morning at 9.50 ready for a start time of 10.00. There is no fee involved and we return to Cooper Hall for refreshments after the walk, these are at a competitive price and the service is well thought of by all who use it.

There are a variety of routes comprising of road and country with distances from 1.9 miles to 4 miles. A number of routes have stiles to climb over and there are hills of varying degrees of difficulty.
New members are welcome but you will need sturdy boots and on occasions waterproofs will be required as they keep out the wind as well as rain. The routes are selected on the day depending on the ability of the people who turn up and the weather conditions.
A list is kept of the walkers and route for each week to make sure the routes vary as much as possible.
The wet weather does prevent some routes being used during the winter months.

David Minns


The Witton Gilbert development Group members have compiled the following walks with the help of Dave  Minns of the Witton Gilbert Walking Group and Elaine Crowe then the County Council Footpaths Officer.

Each walk has directions and notes places or points of interest along the route.

You can download the walks (free of Copy right) by clicking on the walk title below.

More walks will be produced in the coming months. If you have any suggestions for new walks or comments on the existing please use the feed back option.

Incase your wondering what happened to Walk 2 we had to delay the completion for this walk, which was along the Browney river towards Beaurepaire because the condition of the walk can be very difficult in wet weather and the official Public Right of Way was no longer navigable.


Walk 1 Coach Lane to Lodge farm: revised

Walk-3-Beaurepaire-Trig-point revised

Walk 4 Horns-house

Walk 5 Fulforth-woods

Walk 6 Kaysburn-route


Definitive Public Rights of Way (Durham County Council)

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