St Cuthbert’s Hospice
St Cuthbert’s Hospice offers free practical advice about your future care and explains why the Mental Capacity Act 2005 is so important when making decisions about the future.
We are delighted to deliver Our project in: Breathing Space Project, St Michael and All Angels Church
Join us for coffee and cake, and an informal discussion around end of life plans, while you are still fit and well!

Sessions will be Fortnightly
From 21st September 2017
10.00 to 12.00
For more information contact
Louise Johnson
Community Liaison Officer
St Cuthbert’s Hospice
Tel: 0191 374 6196

Enjoy a warm welcome at our sessions.
Come along to find out about the importance of getting your paperwork in order while you still have full mental capacity, which can so easily be lost by illness or accident.
We understand this is not easy to think about, but we can support you to get Everything in Place and get on living your life to the full.
21 Sept 2017: 10.00 to 12.00
Where there’s a will there’s a way!
The importance of having a will, how to choose an Executor and explanation of some of the laws on inheritance.
5 October 2017: 10.00 to 12.00
Who would you trust?
Understanding Lasting Powers of Attorney, the types of decision that can be made, and the process for getting the documents registered.
19 October 2017: 10.00 to 12.00
The care conundrum
Understanding and anticipating future care needs, available options, where to find information, care plans and refusing treatment.
2 November 2017: 10.00 to 12.00
Lifting the lid on funerals
Funeral planning and the importance of making your wishes known. Funeral poverty and how to know your funeral pre payment is safe.
16 November 2017: 10.00 to 12.00
Your heart and soul/memories
Would you leave your organs to a stranger or donate your body to medical science. How to keep/share your memories with family and friends.
30 November 2017: 10.00 to 12.00
Difficult conversations/digital legacy
Discussion about challenging
conversations and how we support each other at difficult times. Closing Social Media accounts and storing digital information.
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