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The Parish Council with the full backing of the allotment holders are continuing to look at all options in an effort to save the allotments.

In September 2018 Langley Estates put up for sale 18 plots of land around Witton Gilbert including the Sacriston Lane Allotments (next to the School) currently leased to the Parish Council.
The Parish Council put in a bid to buy the allotments to preserve them for community but were unsuccessful. Their bid of £10060 was based on the recommendation of a professional valuer who advised that the site was agricultural land, with limited development potential.

The Parish Council has received 12 MONTHS NOTICE TO QUIT from the new owners.

The allotment site was acquired from Lord Lambton in 1909 following the 1908 Allotment Act. For 110 years local people have enjoyed this popular amenity which continues to welcome new members, provide healthy exercise, fresh, local food and friendship for generations of Witton Gilbert residents. The importance of the allotments is reflected in the designation of the site, as “Protected
Green Space” within the Witton Gilbert Neighbourhood Plan so its important to vote in the referendum on the 7th November.

The 48 allotment plots bring people together from a mixture of ages and backgrounds. Some are new to growing and benefit from the advice of older members of the community; others have lovingly tended their plots for decades. They share an appreciation of fresh produce and the sense of community and wellbeing that the allotments provide.

The Parish Council intend to do everything within their power to preserve this valuable resource for future generations.

Please sent your comments using the form below

comments to make on the

Witton Gilbert Calendar 2019

Witton Gilbert Calendar 2019

 £5.00 Per copy

The Calendar contains monthly views in and around the village and parish It is produced to raise funds for the conservation and maintenance of Witton Dene and for activities directly associated  with the Dene.

Copies can be purchased from:

Robin Minney: tel: 0191 3711295,


 Mike Rowell 3710595   Mob 07791625644   email

Do you remember Keith Skinner?

Recently received contact from Keith Skinner of Chester who spent his childhood in Witton.

“Greetings to all at Witton Gilbert from an 81 year old ex refugee who used to live at Westwood Cottage (now demolished) and Fell House with memories of Shirley Lamb brother Ernie, Margaret Wheelan nee Iredale et al- Langley Park primary & Sacriston Junior Schools and many other happy memories of an idylic childhood.Hope to re visit from home in Chester soon.”

Keith Skinner

Does anyone have any memories from this period? If so add your comment by using the comment form below.


The County Plan will have an impact on Witton Gilbert. This is the first consultation phase; so it’s important to have your say!



What’s it about? – Issues and options for the County Durham Plan

Durham County Council have set out the issues we believe affect the future development of County Durham including jobs, housing, shopping and infrastructure and identified options for how they can be addressed. This your opportunity to influence this first stage of the plan they want to you view on  :

  • Are these the right issues?
  • Do we take account of the needs of you and your community?
  • Are the options the right ones?
  • Are there others we’ve missed?

How to get involved

There are a number of ways you can contact us with your comments:

  1. Comment on all documents via our Planning consultation system. Guidance on how to use this system is included at the front of the system.
  2. Pick up a response form from your local library or customer access points.
  3. Write to us using our Freepost address: FREEPOST Spatial Policy
  4. email:

Witton Walking Group

The Witton Walks page has been updated with details of the Witton Walking Group; giving information of where and when to meet, to enjoy a pleasant walk in our beautiful countryside with a group of like minded people. What could be better to give a boost to the spirit and help keep you physically fit.