Neighbourhood Plan final version & evidence papers

Evidence Library Index

Witton Gilbert Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2033 Final version

2019-07-10 Witton Gilbert NP Durham Examiners Report Final

Durham County Council Supporting Documents

  1. DCC evidence library
  2. DCC Housing Strategy Delivery Plan
  3. DCC statement of community involvement
  4. Durham County Plan countryside development policy 36
  5. District Plan 1982 (Witton Gilbert)
  6. City of Durham Local Plan saved policies
  7. County Durham SHMA 2013 final draft report
  8. County Durham ROWIP Paths for People 2011-2014
  9. County Durham ROWIP3 Draft 2015
  10. County Durham Plan & City of Durham Local Plan relevant design policies
  11. CDP inspector’s interim report (December 2014)
  12. CDP issues and options (June 2016)
  13. SHLAA individual sites report 2013
  14. SHLAA individual sites report 2013 (Witton Gilbert)
  15. DCC NP16A comments MASTER_ResponseDoc_20170928
  16. Basic-Conditions-Statement-Witton-Gilbert-Neighbourhood-Plan-2018-2033 Nov-2018

Engagement Strategy Documents

  1. Community newsletters
  2. Consultation comments
  3. Pre-consultation period comments
  4. Engagement strategy guide
  5. Publicity posters
  6. Notes of meetings
  7. Planning Brief for Neighbourhood Plan 2013
  8. Vision statement March 2016
  9. Witton Gilbert Village Profile
  10. Witton Gilbert Visual character statement
  11. Application for NP designation public notice

Submission Documents

  2. Neighbourhood-Plan-Submission-letter-Nov-2018
  3. Basic-Conditions-Statement-Witton-Gilbert-Neighbourhood-Plan-2018-2033-JL-Nov-2018
  4. Appendix-1-Map-of-Witton-Gilbert-Neighbourhood-Area


  1. Sub-glacial channel
  2. Parish boundary
  3. Np proposals map
  4. Witton Gilbert village
  5. historic maps Witton Gilbert
  6. Policies Map 1 1-5000 Nov-2017 rev A
  7. Policies Map 2 Plan Area @ A3 1-20000 Nov 2017 rev A
  8. Site assessments considered (map)
  9. DWG NP 06 Heritage Assets map
  10. DWG NP 07 rev C Heritage Zone map

Meeting agendas and notes

  1. Notes of group meetings
  1. Parish Council meetings
  1. Consultant comments on draft plan May 2017
  2. Front Street residents meeting 9 Aug 2016

Methodology statement

Methodology Statement

Parish Plan

  1. Parish Plan survey results
  2. Witton Gilbert Parish Plan final 3
  3. Witton parish survey V3

Policy 1 The Settlement Boundary

  1. Settlement boundary methodology
  2. Settlement boundary policy

Policy 2 Housing development

  1. Front Street
  1. Primary School
  1. Site assessments
  1. HOUSING TOPIC PAPER Witton Gilbert 2018 revision 14
  2. 2011 census LSOA
  3. Census statistics 2001/2011
  4. DCC comments on housing projections
  5. Housing planning permissions 2004-2014
  6. Housing assessed using census data Oct 2015
  7. Housing data 2011 census
  8. Durham house prices analysis
  9. Housing market questionnaire (Witton Gilbert)
  10. Housing market questionnaire responses
  11. Social housing average bid count (DCC)

Policy 3 Older people’s homes

  1. DCC OP policy appendix
  2. OP policy topic paper
  3. OP policy DCC comments
  4. OP policy DCC comments 0917
  5. Policy justification DCC comments

Policy 4 Development in or adjacent to the historic zone

  1. +Urban Design Ltd. Stage 3 Residential Visioning Exercise [December 2015]
  2. Policy and design
  3. Design support proposals Nov 2014
  4. Appendix-A-02-09-19

Policy 5 Historic zone of Witton Gilbert

  1. Heritage topic paper
  2. DWG NP 06 Heritage Assets map
  3. DWG NP 07 rev C Heritage Zone map
  4. Historic maps Witton Gilbert

Policy 7 Biodiversity in Witton Gilbert

  1. Biodiversity topic paper
  2. County Durham geodiversity audit
  3. DEFRA ‘Air Pollution in the UK 2015’
  4. Solar farm area estimate map

Policy 8 Witton Dene local nature reserve

Policy 9 Protection of local green spaces

  1. LGS assessment forms Green space assessments (excel)
  2. LGS photographs
  3. LGS topic paper (September 2016)
  4. DCC comments on LGS assessments and policy
  5. DCC green spaces
  6. DCC comments re G16
  7. LGS map March 2016
  8. G4 ownership history

Policy 10 protecting and supporting community assets

  1. DCLG Community Right to Bid: Non-statutory advice note for local authorities
  2. Locality; Understanding the Community Right to Bid

Policy 11 Safety improvements on the road, cycling and walking network

  1. Aims of the plan (public consultation)
  2. Transport topic paper and policy

Project Plan

  1. Visions and objectives
  2. Project Plan 2015-16 Consultant comments
  3. Project Plan 2016

Reference Documents

  • National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012)
  • Neighbourhood Plans – Government consultation
  • NPPF guidelines
  1. Census
  • 2011 census lower super output area
  • 2011 census pp04 residents by age
  • Mid-year estimates 2013, 2014
  • Census area map
  • Census statistics
  • County Durham accommodation type
  1. Green spaces
  • CABE community led spaces
  1. Historic and heritage
  • Historic England; Understanding Historic Buildings: Policy and Guidance for Local Planning Authorities
  • Historic England – Neighbourhood Planning and the historic environment
  1. Housing
  • PAS Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note; Housing Needs Assessment for Neighbourhood Plans
  • DCC Sniperley Park, Supplementary Planning Document Oct 2013
  • DCLG Fixing our broken housing market
  • CABE This way to better residential streets
  • CABE Simpler and better, Housing design in everyone’s interest
  • Building for life 12
  • DCLG Community right to build non statutory guidance
  • Design in neighbourhood planning
  • NPPF para 6
  • PPS21 sustainable development in the countryside
  • Residential densities TCPA policy statement
  1. Transport
  • Rights of Way Improvement Plan for County Durham 2011-2014
  • Department for Transport Circular 01/2013 SETTING LOCAL SPEED LIMITS
  • House of Commons SN468 Roads: speed limits
  • DCC Local Transport Plan 3
  • DFT road safety consultation


Sustainable Framework for Witton Gilbert

  1. Achieving sustainable rural communities for the 21st century
  2. Sustainable Development in Witton Gilbert
  3. Sacriston Subglacial Channel map
  4. Sustainable Development definition and description
  5. RTPI Evidence from ESPON to support smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
  6. SEA and HRA screening report (Natural England)
  7. SEA and HRA screening opinion (DCC)
  8. Final screening opinion report (DCC)
  9. Sustainable development topic paper
  10. Environment Agency check list


Village Centre

  1. Consultant design report
  2. Project or policy for the village
  3. Village centre consultation responses
  4. Village centre project brief
  5. Village centre project report
  6. Village centre site map
  7. Village centre topic paper

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